Saturday, April 17, 2010

Diary Of A Blogger

Have you ever felt like NO ONE in the world cared? I KNOW I HAVE, Have you tryed to get help from anyone who would listen in still felt like it just wasnt good enough? WILL NOW THAT WE ARE BOTH ON THE SAME LEVEL. I HAVE BEEN THERE TIME AND TIME AGAIN SO I KNOW THAT IT FEEL'S LIKE NO RESULTS ARE MADE. You know what though you maybe don't believe me when i'll tell you this but, I tryed it before and it really works for me; I think you should give GOD a try. Seat back on your bed in begin to relaxs your mind & body by breathing slowly in an out and repeat yourself until you feel comfortable enough to begin to talk to GOD (as if you were talking to a love one) about anything that's been troubling you (at night are through the day) the most. Its easy just relaxs, don't let your fear come btween you and GOD. Be alone but, don't be afraid let GOD heal you and help you through the lonely pain. People will tell you oh to get over it, are that time heals it all. Will trust me the only thing that heal is GOD. Time just helps you get over it. REMINDER: He all ready knows everything your about to say so take it easy on yourself and remeber we all have to face him one day soon. I know it feels like your talking to your self alot of times and when we do find someone to talk to they get to far into it so, it sounds to me more of a trust issuse. I wonder how we can get people to just listen and really just hear us out sometimes hmm.... Im thinking for now to just follow my heart and GOD. What do you think?
Psalm 1:2,4:4
Cece Winans: Alabaster Box